11 Days Bird Watching Tour






3 Years

$ 2680

Amazing Experience

Tour Code: BWT121
Duration: 10 nights and 11 days
Transportation: Surface drive by 4ᵡ4 Toyota Land Cruiser


Because of types of vegetation,climate and various landscape birds are everywhere in Ethiopia.Bale Mountain National Park offers some of the finest and endemic bird watching in Ethiopia.Most endemic birds are concentrated in this park.Some popular bird sites in Ethiopia include Sululta plain area,DebreLibanos,LakeZiway,Gefersa water reservoir, Ankober, Alidege Wildlife sanctuary ,NegeleBorena, lake Abijata and Chetu for pink Flamingo.

Hoya Tours Ethiopia guide well came to Bole International Airport and transferred to your hotel. Depending on your arrival time you will have a full day or half day city tour of Addis Ababa. The city was founded by Emperor Menelik 2 in 1886.Addis Ababa in Amharic means "New Flower''. The capital city is home for Africa's Diplomatic capital with the presence of the Head Quarters of the African Union and many embassies.
After breakfast or rest we drive up to the Entoto Mountain(3300m) high for a panoramic view of Addis, visit Entoto Museum with historical and Royal Exhibit, and the church of St.Mary. Drive back to Addis Ababa and visit the Ethnographic Museum,National Museum,Holy Trinity Cathedral and Merkato Market(One of the biggest Open Air Markets in Africa).

Accommodation: Azzeman Hotel
Accommodation upgrades options: Best Western Plus Pearl Addis
Meals: None

After an early breakfast, drive to Debre Libanos through Sululta plains. Sululta plain is a wetland during the Ethiopian rain season. While you are driving on the road you will view birds including Dusky Turtle doves, the endemic White-collared Pigeon, Tacazze sunbirds, Baglafecht weavers, and Streaky seed eaters. The resident birds we may find in Sululta plain include: the Secretary bird, White-backed vulture, African hobby, Erckel's francolin, Red-chested swallow, Cape crow, Pectoral-Patch cisticola, and African Quail Finch. In the Blue Nile drainage system in Debre Libanos we will concentrate our search for Rappel’s vulture, Verreaux's eagle, the African bawk-eagle, Augur buzzard (dark-morph birds are commonly seen here), Lanner falcon Rüppell's Robin chat, the White-winged Cliff-chat, Lammergeyer(bearded vulture ) and the White-billed starling .The Mocking cliff-chat, the Yellow-rumped serin, and the Cinnamon-breasted bunting are also available here.

Accommodation: Germen Lodge
Accommodation upgrades options: C-Lale Resort hotel in Fiche
Meals: Breakfast

Early in the morning we will explore the highly localized endemic Harwood’s Francolin along the cliffs of Jemma River Valley.This morning, on the way to Awash, on the Sululta plains we will look for Ethiopia's endemic species: the Abyssinian longclaw, Erlanger’s lark, Ethiopian siskin, Wattled ibis, Blue-winged goose, and Spot-breasted Plover. We then head to Awash Park, stopping to look for bird en route.

Accommodation: Doho Lodge
Accommodation upgrades option: No other option
Meals: Breakfast

Today will be spent exploring the superb Awash National Park birds. We will bird around the Allighedi Reserve and Doho Lodge with its hot springs, the Awash River, and Kirayawa Gorge, exploring riverine forests, wetlands, thorn woodlands, savanna grasslands, rocky hills, cliffs, and escarpments. The park boasts a bird list of 460 species and we will make an effort to find, amongst many others, the Egyptian vulture, Greater spotted eagle, Scissor-tailed kite, Shikra, Arabian bustard, Buff-crested, Hartlaub's and White wift, hemprich’s hornbill, Three-banded courser, Helmeted guinea fowl, Small buttonquail, Eastern grey Plantain-eater, White-browed Coucal, Plain nightjar, Northern Carmine Bee-eater, Greater honeyguide, Wire-tailed swallow, Red-winged lark, Singing bush lark, Blackstar, Red-backed Scrub-robin, Eastern olivaceous Warbler, Green-backed camaroptera, Grey-headed batis, Pale Flycatcher, Slate-colored boubou, White-rumped shrike, Somali fiscal, Nile valley and Marico sunbirds, Grey-headed and Sulphur-breasted Bush shrikes, Fan-railed raven, Red-billed quelea, and Red-rumped waxbill.
Mammals we may see include the Aardwolf, Lion, Leopard, Beisa Oryx, Aardvark, Soemmering's Gazelle, Hamadryas Baboon, Abyssinian Hare, African Wild Cat, Black-Backed Jackal, Spotted Hyena, and Greater and Lesser Kudu. We will also take a night drive to look for the more elusive nocturnal species. Drive to Awash Falls Lodge.

Accommodation: Awash Falls Lodge
Accommodation upgrades options: No other option
Meals: Breakfast

Early in the morning, before breakfast you will be out for game drive in the park.The common birds that you will spot in the park include: Ostrich, Wattled ibis, Carmine bee-eater,Thick-billed raven ,Silver-cheeked hornbills. Visit The Park with a spectacular natural warm swimming pool under desert palm trees ("Filwoha"-Hot springs), Awash River waterfall, lesser Kudu, Dik Dik, Beisa Oryx, defassa waterbucks, warthogs are expected wildlife. On your driving to Ziway you will visit birds at Koka.
Lake Ziway is the largest lake in the Ethiopian Central Rift Valley and is home to a large bird population including the Sacred ibis, Great pelicans, African marabou, different kinds of Ducks, Hammerkop and others .The show of the birds is spectacular. In Ziway after lunch, we will explore birds on and around the lake. On the lake we will look for flocks of approachable Black-winged lovebirds, Blue-breasted bee-eaters, White-faced whistling ducks, Hottentot teals, Great white pelicans, Black herons, Black-billed Barbet, Rufous-necked wryneck, African yellow warbler, Rüppell’s robin chat, Black-headed batis, Beautiful sunbirds, and Rüppell’s weaver.

Accommodation: Hile Hotel
Accommodation upgrades option: No other option
Meals: Breakfast

Today in Langaon and Abijatta-Shalla National park we explore different bird species in their eco-lodge grounds for Sulfur-breasted Bush shrike, Northern Puff back, Black shrike, Yellow-shouldered shrike, Common redstart, Slender-tailed nightjar, Senegal hick knees, Abyssinian ground thrush ostrich, etc. In the afternoon drive to Hawassa.

Accommodation:Haile Resort
Accommodation upgrades option: None
Meals: Beakfast

Early in the morning Explore birds on and around Hawassa Lake. The lake provides important habitat that supports large number of bird species including the two endemic species- Banded barbet and Thick billed raven as well as other species-black winged lovebird , Ethiopian oriole, Marabou Stork, Egyptian goose, White winged black Tern. Drive to Dinsho, Bale Mountain National Park H.Q.
At the park headquarters, we will search for Chestnut-Naped Francolin, Ground Scraper Thrush (endemic race simensis), Abyssinian Ground-thrush, Abyssinian Catbird, and the endemic White-Backed Black-tit. We also hope to see a variety of mammals including Mountain Nyala, Menelik's Bushbuck and Warthog. And then drive to Goba.

Accommodation: Goba Wabi Shebelle Hotel
Accommodation upgrades options: No other option
Meals: Breakfast

After early breakfast drive to Harenna forest. Here for full day we will search for the African Goshawk, Rufous-chested Sparrow hawk, African hill babbler, Abyssinian woodpecker, Cinnamon bracken-warbler, Montane white-eye, and Yellow-bellied . Once we reach this unique plateau, we will be driving on Africa’s highest road, passing close to the summit Tulu Dimtu 4377m (Ethiopia’s second-highest mountain). This habitat is termed 'Afro-Alpine moorland' and is characterized by Giant lobelia plant, which towers over the rich tussock grasslands. This site is an important bird area of immense significance, supporting seven globally threatened species and nearly all of Ethiopia’s highland species.
If we are very fortunate, we will see a pair of endangered Wattled cranes striding through the moist grassland, or spot a Cape Eagle-owl sunning on a rocky perch. We will also search for the Black stork, Wattled ibis, Lammergeyer, Chestnut-naped francolin, Moorland francolin, Rouget's rail, Spot-breasted lapwing, Thekla lark, Red-throated Pipit, Red-breasted wheatear, and Moorland chat. This obviously attracts raptors, and we should see Steppe eagles, Golden eagles, and Pallid harriers. They share this abundant food source with the plateau's most celebrated resident, the Ethiopian Wolf, the world's rarest candid. Finally, we will reach the escarpment of this elevated plateau and walk down through the clouds at the vast Harenna Forest below. This is the largest forest block in Ethiopia and the largest protected Afro-Alpine forest on the continent. It still supports populations of Lion and the only surviving forest-dwelling African Wild Dogs. Here, we will search for the uncommon Mountain buzzard, Rameron pigeon, Lemon dove, Tambourine dove, African merald cuckoo, Narina trogon, Brown Woodland-warbler (a subspecies endemic to this national park), Abyssinian crimson-wing, African( Abyssinian) citril, and Cape canary.

Accommodation: Harenna forest tented camp
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

This day in the morning we will continue to explore birds in Harenna forest and go to Saneti.The Sanetti plateau in Ethioia is one of the Africa’s greatest birding locations.After early lunch, we ride to the Sanetti Plateau to spotting Bold rouget’s rails, a group of Chestnut-naped francolins,Blue -winged goose,Spot-chested lapwing,Ethiopian cisticolas,Abyssinian siskins,Morland chats.Larger endemics like wattled ibis and thick-billed ravens are found here too. Drive back to Goba.

Accommodation: Goba Wabishebelle Hotel
Accommodation upgrades option: None
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

After relaxed breakfast you will drive to Debre Ziet via Assela town.

Accommodation: Babo Gaya View point Lodge
Accommodation upgrades options: Kuriftu resort
Meals: Breakfast

In Debre Zeit see Birds at and around your lodge, on Lake Babogaya you will view: African hoopoe, African Fire finch, African Fish Eagle, African Scops Owl, Baglafecht weaver, Banded barbet, Beautiful sunbird, Black winged lovebird and others water birds. After lunch drive to Addis Ababa.

Accommodation: None
Accommodation upgrades options: None
Meals: Breakfast

In the evening/afternoon, farewell party with free cultural dinner and traditional music to experience Ethiopia’s cultural meals .After farewell party transfer to Bole international airport for international departure. End of tour

Notice: This itinerary can be amended up on request

Tour Map
